Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church, Bangor Parish, County Down, Baptisms 1841 - 1901
Baptismal records for Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church in the parish of Bangor, County Down have now been added to the birth database.
These entries cover the period 1841 to 1901 inclusive, and include the Child's name, Father's name, Mother’s Maiden name, Date of Birth & Date of Baptism. Townland is also included in a number of entries in the database.
The following are prevalent family surnames in these records:-
Adair, Adams, Aitchison, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Aston, Barr, Beattie (Beatty), Beggs, Bell, Belshaw, Bingham, Black, Blair, Bowden, Bowman, Boyd, Boyle, Bradley, Brain, Breeze, Brown, Burns, Cairns, Camack, Campbell, Cargo, Carlisle, Carruthers, Carson, Caughley, Childs, Clarke, Cleland, Cloaky (Cloakey, Clokey), Coard, Cooke, Cooley, Cowan, Croskery, Crothers, Cummings, Davidson (Davidson), Dornan, Dunbar, Dunlop, Elliott, Ellison, Ferguson, Finlay, Fisher, Flanagan (Flanaghan), Forrester, Frame, Frazer, Fullerton, Galbraith (Gilbraith), Galloway (Galway), Gelston, Gibson, Gilliland, Gilmer (Gilmour), Glover, Gordon, Graham, Grainger, Gray, Green, Greenfield, Halliday, Hamilton, Hanna (Hannay), Hawthorne, Heaney, Henderson, Herron, Hewitt, Hill, Houston (Huston), Hughes, Hutchinson, Irvine, Jameson (Jamison), Jeffrey, Jennings, Johnston (Johnson), Juley, Kane, Kennedy, Kirkpatrick, Knox, Kyle, Law, Leinster, Lemon, Liggat (Ligate), Lindsay, Lockhart, Logan, Lowery (Lowry), Magee, Malcom, Martin, Mathews(Matthews), McBlain, McBratney, McCallum, McCann, McClatchy, McClean, McClinton, McClurg, McComb, McConnell, McCracken, McCready, McCullough (McCullagh), McCully, McCutcheon, McDonald, McDonnell, McDowell, McFall, McFerran, McGifford, McGimpsey, McGowan, McIlveen, McIlwain (McIlwaine), McIntosh, McKee, McMaster, McMeekan, McMillen (McMillan), McMullan, McMurray, McNeilly, McQuillan, McWha, Menagh, Millar (Miller), Milligan, Mills, Minnis (Minniss), Moffet (Moffett, Moffat), Montgomery, Moore, Moorehead, Morrow, Mulholland, Munn, Murray, Musgrave, Nelson, Nicholson, Oliver, Orr, Palmer, Parkinson, Patton, Quartz, Rabb, Rainey, Rankin, Rea, Reid, Rippet, Robb, Robinson, Rooney, Russell, Scott, Shaw, Smyth, Snodden (Snidden, Snoddy), Spence, Spratt, Stephenson (Stevenson), Stewart, Taylor, Thompson (Thomson), Todd, Vance, Walkington, Wallace, Walsh, Waterson, Waugh, Wetherspoon, White, Wightman, Wigson, Williamson, Wilson, Withers, Woodside, Wright.
Microfilm copies of the registers are held in the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) under MIC 1P/392, Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church, Bangor Parish, County Down and covers baptisms from 1841 up to 1901.