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Helen Family Surname - Northern Ireland

Distribution of the Helen Surname in Northern Ireland by County
We have 4 records in our Genealogy Collections for the Helen surname.

Meaning and Origins of the Surname

We have no additional information on the origin of the HELEN Family surname at present.

Variations of the Surname

Heelan - view Heelan Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Hillen - view Hillen Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Holland - view Holland Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Hyland - view Hyland Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Phelan - view Phelan Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Whelan - view Whelan Family Names for Northern Ireland Irish Surname Index

Irish Variations
Ó Faoláin · Ó Haoileáin · Ó Haoláin · Ó Haolláin ·

Useful Links

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