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Northern Ireland Ancestor Death Search

Results for your Ulster family search Death results for "Metcalf "

Year of Death Names Age County More Details Add to Favourites
1782 Martha Mitchell 30 Fermanagh
1807 Joseph Mitchell 22 Fermanagh
1812 John Mitchell 78 Fermanagh
1836 Sarah Mitchell 81 Fermanagh
1861 James Mitchell Fermanagh
1867 James Mitchell Fermanagh
1869 Isaac Metcalf Fermanagh
1870 John Mitchell Fermanagh
1870 Prudence Mitchell 71 Fermanagh
1876 William Mitchell Fermanagh
1887 Jane Mitchell Fermanagh
1888 Robert Mitchell Fermanagh
1888 William Mitchell Fermanagh
1892 Henry Jason Mitchell Fermanagh
1894 William Mitchell Fermanagh
1899 George Mitchell Fermanagh
1906 Isabella Mitchel Fermanagh
1908 Jane Mitchell Fermanagh
1913 Mary Anne Mitchell Fermanagh

e.g. "Great Great Uncle "