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Northern Ireland Ancestor Giffiths Valuation List

Griffiths Valuation results for ASTON

Record Date Name Townland Parish County More Details Add to Favourites
1858 to 1864 James Austin Emmerald Ahoghill Antrim
1858 to 1864 James Austin Emmerald Ahoghill Antrim
1858 to 1864 Samuel Aston Emmerald Carnmoney Antrim
1858 to 1864 Adam Austin Emmerald Craigs Antrim
1858 to 1864 James Austin Emmerald Craigs Antrim
1858 to 1864 William Austin Emmerald Drummaul Antrim
1858 to 1864 John Astin Emmerald Kilbride Antrim
1858 to 1864 Maria Aston Emmerald Kilbride Antrim
1858 to 1864 Samuel Aston Emmerald Raloo Antrim
1858 to 1864 William Ashton Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 James Astinat Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 Mary Aston Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 William J Aston Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 Isabella Aughton Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 Isabella Aughton Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 John Austin Emmerald Shankill Antrim
1858 to 1864 Margaret Austin Emmerald Shankill Antrim

e.g. "Great Great Uncle "